Surgical Services
Our team of highly-skilled autotransfusionists is available to perform autotransfusion procedures using a variety of cell saver techniques and equipment, including rapid infusion systems, in emergent, stand-by and scheduled cases in both intra-operative and post-operative settings.
In addition, our service includes providing and maintaining all the required equipment and disposables, performing quality checks and submitting detailed procedural reports, as needed.
Autotransfusion Patient Benefits
Autotransfusion, also known as cell saving, is the process of collecting shed blood from the surgical field, adding an anti-coagulant, and then filtering, washing and separating the red blood cells from the plasma for re‐administration to the patient. Patient benefits include:
Removes blood type incompatibility & disease risks
Autotransfusion Provider / Facility Benefits
Reduces the cost of blood acquisition, testing & storage
Avoid fluidity & red blood cells function reduction